Se­mi­nar De­sign and Plan­ning


Seminar Design and Planning


This Seminar will teach the students different approaches towards process and technology analysis. Based on respective results the development of improved solutions including the applicatione of systematic approaches will be emphasised in the seminar. The requirements analysis in professional practice is one of the main issues which will be communicated to the students. Resulting requirements are deducted on the basis of changing topics related to real research or industrial based projects. This approach will deepen the insight of professional practice to the participants of the project seminar. Contents will be technologies, processes and different applications.  

The application of these methods will enable the students to analyse different real world tasks based on planning aspects, feasibility of developed solutions, ecological aspects as well as economic issues. Through the consideration of aspects in design and planning optimization potential shall be maximised.

The students will perform the work in small groups and present their results regularly to experts of professional practice and discuss their presentation as well as the methodology of planning, work and design. A detailed feedback by experts on the exposure  will foster the students’ ability to develop their presentation skills.


2 weeks


At the beginning of the Semester, there will be an introductory meeting of all PAUL subscribees and further interested students. In this meeting, detailed topics and dates will be discussed.