VDI Spe­cia­list En­gi­neer Ad­di­ti­ve Ma­nu­fac­tu­ring

The DMRC in Paderborn fosters the education of engineers in the field of Design for Additive Manufacturing.
On February 8th and 9th, 2024, we proudly hosted the VDI Specialist Engineer Training at the DMRC in Paderborn. We emphasize the critical role of designing parts specifically for AM for the successful implementation of the technology and are proud to actively contribute to transferring this essential knowledge to the industry.
The "VDI Specialist Engineer Additive Manufacturing" is a practice-oriented qualification developed by the VDI in collaboration with industry experts. This training comprises seven seminar modules, culminating in a VDI certificate examination and a recognized certification. The aim of this training is to understand the entire process of additive manufacturing: from component selection and manufacturing methods to implementation in the company.
Would you like to learn more about the professional expertise of our training and seminar leadership? Visit https://lnkd.in/eSQ7p86M for further information.